Monday, October 4, 2021

Oracle Database Appliance [ODA] patching from to [patch 31481822]

 Oracle Database Appliance [ODA] patching from to [patch 31481822]


1)      Take the backup of ODA_BASE. It is mandatory before proceeding with upgrade process.

2)      Follow Doc ID 1633166.1 to take backup of ODA_BASE server. Else,

a.       Shutdown the oda_base from dom server [oakcli stop oda_base]

b.       Execute the below command. Do not execute it without shutdown oda_base

                                                    i.      tar -cvzf node1.tar.gz /OVS/Repositories/odabaseRepo/VirtualMachines/oakDom1/

c.       Start the oda_base from dom server [oakcli start oda_base]

3)      Perform the same for another ODA_BASE node.

4)      Deregister the ODA_BASE nodes from ULN repository if it is registered. It is mandatory else the ODA_BASE will be corrupted after upgrade and ended with below error in boot screen.

Error 15: File not found

5)      Download the below packages and unpack it. รจ It is for Database patching. We can download it later.

6)      Keep minimum 7GB of free space in “/” location after unpack all packages.

7)      Execute the below command to unpack the package.

a.       oakcli unpack -package /u01/app/patch/

b.       oakcli unpack -package /u01/app/patch/

8)      Execute the below command to generate the pre-patch report.

a.       oakcli update -patch --pre-patchreport –local

                                                    i.      Check the report  and fix the issues.

                                                   ii.      The report generation only one time and we cannot generate it multiple times if there is no issues and server ready for upgrade

Upgrade ODA_BASE 

9)      Execute the below command

a.       oakcli update -patch --pre-patchreport –local

b.    oakcli update -patch --pre-osupgrade --local

c.       oakcli update -patch --osupgrade –local

d.       Perform above 2 steps in second node and then execute “oakcli update -patch --post-osupgrade –local”

After Upgrade completed, execute "uname -a" or "cat /etc/oracle-release" to check the new version. It should be like below,

[root@test-01 patch]# uname -a

Linux test-01 4.14.35-1902.303.4.1.el7uek.x86_64 #2 SMP Fri May 29 14:56:41 PDT 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[root@test-01 patch]# cat /etc/oracle-release

Oracle Linux Server release 7.8

[root@test-01 patch]#

File id xx was expected but xx was read from Verify that files are mapped correctly in sys.master_files. ALTER DATABASE can be used to correct the mappings.



An unexpected file id was encountered.

 File id xx was expected but xx was read from 

Verify that files are mapped correctly in sys.master_files. ALTER DATABASE can be used to correct the mappings.

Database:-SQL Server any version.

Reason: - While relocating the database file, mentioned the incorrect the data files name.

Solution:- Start the database in emergency mode and execute the database file relocation with correct name and path and restart the database with multi user access.